
"paisajismo" in English

"paisajismo" in English

Context examples for "paisajismo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Un trabajo delicado de paisajismo, usando una serie de muros de piedra arenisca que enmarcan y generan unos espacios de ambiente Zen para contemplar la belleza de la “Exposición”.
A delicate landscape work, using a series of local sandstone walls which frame the trees and generate zen like spaces to contemplate the beauty of the “exhibit”.
Ubicado en paisaje maduro generosa, la atención al paisajismo y el respeto por el contexto es fundamental para ayudar al diseño de continuar con perfecta armonía en su entorno rural.
Set within generous mature landscape, attention to landscaping and respect for context was critical to help the design continue to blend harmoniously within its rural surroundings.