
"painter" in Spanish

In Denmark, we call it the painter syndrome.
En Dinamarca lo llamamos el síndrome del pintor.
That is where the term 'painter syndrome ' comes from.
De aquí proviene el término " síndrome del pintor».
That is where the term 'painter syndrome' comes from.
De aquí proviene el término "síndrome del pintor».
as a painter she was spent at 50
como pintora estaba acabada a los cincuenta
they rated her a brilliant painter
la calificaron de pintora genial
house painter
pintora de casas
pintora de brocha gorda{f} (de casas, barcos)
pintor de brocha gorda{m} (de casas, barcos)
painter(also: guy)
boza{f} [naut.]
amarra{f} [naut.]

Synonyms (English) for "painter":
Context examples for "painter" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Perhaps in a few years a painter will create a similar work which he will call 'Srebrenica'.
Quizá un artista pinte dentro de algunos años una obra similar y la bautice Srebenica.
the painter accurately reproduces the atmosphere of the age
el pintor reproduce fielmente el ambiente de la época
he set out to be a painter but he ended up as an art teacher
iba para pintor pero se quedó en profesor de dibujo
the academic painter is hidebound by convention
el pintor académico está encorsetado por la convención
you're in the wrong job, you should be a painter
te has equivocado de oficio, deberías ser pintor
a painter whose style is marred by certain mannerisms
un pintor de estilo viciado
as a painter she was spent at 50
como pintora estaba acabada a los cincuenta
an internationally renowned painter
un pintor de renombre internacional
Spain's greatest living painter
el pintor vivo más importante de España
a painter much admired in his time
un pintor muy admirado en su época
a painter of international renown
un pintor de renombre internacional
they rated her a brilliant painter
la calificaron de pintora genial
a painter of worldwide fame
un pintor conocido universalmente
a universally-known painter
un pintor conocido universalmente
a well-known painter
un pintor conocido universalmente
she's a brilliant painter
es un genio con el pincel
a very talented painter
un pintor con mucho genio
a painter's materials
el utillaje de un pintor
a painter of genius
un pintor con mucho genio
he was trained as a painter
estudió pintura