
"paganismo" in English

"paganismo" in English
el cristianismo y el paganismo se dan la mano en estos ritos
Christianity and paganism come together in these rites
Supo ser luz en esa civilización ciertamente espléndida, pero a menudo sólo por las luces oblicuas y pálidas del paganismo.
He knew how to be "light" in that culture which was certainly splendid, but often only because of the indirect, glancing rays of paganism.
Existe un nuevo paganismo y no basta que tratemos de conservar a la comunidad creyente, aunque esto es muy importante” (Discurso 21.8.05).
There is a new form of paganism and it is not enough for us to strive to preserve the existing flock, although this is very important” (Discourse 21 August 2005).

Synonyms (Spanish) for "paganismo":
Context examples for "paganismo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
por las luces oblicuas y pálidas del paganismo.
certainly splendid, but often only because of the indirect, glancing rays of
el cristianismo y el paganismo se dan la mano en estos ritos
Christianity and paganism come together in these rites
¿Desean acaso [ser gobernados por] la ley del paganismo ignorante?
Is it the judgment of the Time of Ignorance (i.