
"overprotective" in Spanish

"overprotective" in Spanish

Context examples for "overprotective" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The main driving force behind the eagerness for regulation is instead an overprotective mentality among EU civil servants and politicians.
La mayor fuerza impulsora de los afanes de regulación es, en cambio, la mentalidad sobreprotectora de los funcionarios y políticos de la UE.
The main driving force behind the eagerness for regulation is instead an overprotective mentality among EU civil servants and politicians.
Es obvio que resulta inconveniente consumir elevadas dosis de vitaminas y minerales, pero hay un gran margen entre el consumo exagerado y los niveles peligrosos.
This parent becomes over-protective and exerts too much discipline. The other family members either accept this situation or feel oppressed and rebel.
Este padre se vuelve demasiado protector y ejerce una disciplina excesivamente férrea, y los demás miembros de la familia, o bien aceptan la situación, o se sienten oprimidos y se rebelan.