
"to overplay" in Spanish

"to overplay" in Spanish
to overplay{transitive verb}
to overplay{transitive verb}
Cyprus has often been overplayed as the reason for the collision of the trains.
A menudo se ha exagerado el papel de Chipre como la causa de la colisión de los trenes.

Context examples for "to overplay" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I also hope, however, that the European Central Bank realises that it should not overplay the subject of independence.
Y también espero que el Banco Central Europeo se dé cuenta de que no puede llevar demasiado lejos el tema de la independencia.
to overplay the importance of sth
darle demasiada importancia a algo
One small word of caution: let us not overplay our role and move into an area where we might be overlapping the negotiating mandate of the Commission.
Una pequeña cautela: no nos excedamos en nuestro papel y entremos en un terreno en el que pudiéramos estar solapando el mandato de negociación de la Comisión.