
"osito" in English

"osito" in English
el niño estaba inconsolable por haber perdido su osito
the child was heartbroken about losing his teddy bear
llevaba el osito apretado entre sus brazos
she was clutching the teddy bear in her arms
un osito de felpa
a furry teddy bear
Babygro{noun} [TM] [Brit.]
osito(also: pelele)
sleepers{noun} [cloth.] [Amer.]
bear{noun} [zool.]
El oso es la amenaza que planea sobre nuestro abastecimiento energético.
That bear is the threat to our energy supply.
Conferencia Internacional para la Protección de los Osos Polares 17 - 19 marzo 2009.
International Meeting under the Polar Bear Agreement 17 - 19 March 2009.
Aunque apoyo la independencia de Georgia, no es sensato acosar al oso ruso en su propia madriguera.
Whilst I support Georgian independence, it is unwise to goad the Russian bear in its own lair.

Context examples for "osito" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
el niño estaba inconsolable por haber perdido su osito
the child was heartbroken about losing his teddy bear
llevaba el osito apretado entre sus brazos
she was clutching the teddy bear in her arms
se durmió abrazado a su osito
he fell asleep cuddling his teddy
no se desprende de su osito
he won't let go of his teddybear
un osito de felpa
a furry teddy bear
un osito
a baby bear