
"of Cadiz" in Spanish

"of Cadiz" in Spanish
of Cadiz{adjective}
of Cadiz{adjective}
Cadiz architecture.”
1. “Arquitectura gaditana.”
Cadiz architecture.”
“Arquitectura gaditana.”

Similar translations for "of Cadiz" in Spanish
Context examples for "of Cadiz" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
So in Amsterdam we are creating jobs and in Cadiz we are creating unemployment.
Por tanto, en Amsterdam se ha creado empleo y en Cádiz se crearía el paro.
However, I accept that measures for the Gulf of Cadiz may need to be different.
No obstante, admito que quizá las medidas relativas al Golfo de Cádiz deban ser diferentes.
However, I accept that measures for the Gulf of Cadiz may need to be different.
Así no se lograría el objetivo de la explotación sostenible.
We appreciate that there are special difficulties in the Gulf of Cadiz and that uncertainties are high.
Reconocemos que hay especiales dificultades en el Golfo de Cádiz y que la incertidumbre es grande.
We had the Aegean Sea, the Amoco Cadiz and many others.
Ahí estaban Mar Egeo, Amoco Cádiz o tantos otros.
“Crystal Havana and Cadiz.”
Isabel León (Cuba) 3. “La Habana y Cádiz en cristal.”
Management of hake and Nephrops in the Gulf of Cadiz is an important issue given the abundance of juvenile hake in that area.
La capacidad debe gestionarse de modo que esté en equilibrio con la productividad de los recursos pesqueros.
Mr President, Torrey Canyon, Olympic Bravery, Haven, Amoco Cadiz, Gino, Tanio, so many names we remember with horror.
Señor Presidente, Torrey Canyon, Olympic Bravery, Haven, Amoco Cádiz, Gino, Tanio: se trata de nombres de siniestro recuerdo.
“Seafronts of Havana and Cadiz.”
4. “Malecones de La Habana y Cádiz.”
“Seafronts of Havana and Cadiz.”
“Malecones de La Habana y Cádiz.”
“Crystal Havana and Cadiz.”
Isabel León (Cuba)
Management of hake and Nephrops in the Gulf of Cadiz is an important issue given the abundance of juvenile hake in that area.
La gestión de la merluza y las cigalas en el Golfo de Cádiz es un asunto importante dada la abundancia de merluza juvenil en esa zona.
Cadiz architecture.”
1. “Arquitectura gaditana.”
Cadiz architecture.”
“Arquitectura gaditana.”
name used to refer to Cadiz
la Tacita de Plata
We can agree to the exclusion of the Gulf of Cadiz from the same effort management scheme as elsewhere, if an alternative but equally effective management system is in place.
Los recursos de cigalas requieren medidas de conservación que les permitan soportar de nuevo la pesca a gran escala.
Twenty one years after Amoco Cadiz, this umpteenth oil slick, the seventh since 1967, shows the irresponsibility of our successive rulers.
Veintiún años después del Amoco Cádiz, esta enésima marea negra, la séptima desde 1967, demuestra la irresponsabilidad de nuestros sucesivos gobernantes.
Even so, twenty-one years after the sinking of the Amoco Cadiz, the Commission is finally taking action and proposes to improve and speed up the payment of compensation to victims.
Veintiún años después del Amoco Cádiz, por fin ha reaccionado y propone indemnizar mejor y antes a las víctimas.
So we are now experiencing the same thing that happened 20 years ago with the Amoco Cadiz; a wreck on the North coast, a wreck on the South coast, a wreck on the West coast.
Conque vuelta a empezar como hace veinte años con el Amoco, un golpe en la costa septentrional, otro en la costa meridional, otro en la costa occidental.
Extremely important fishing towns in the south Atlantic zone - Huelva and Cadiz - and the southern Mediterranean - Malaga, Granada and Almeria - depend on this agreement.
Importantísimas ciudades pesqueras de las zonas sur atlántica -de Huelva y Cádiz- y sur mediterránea -de Málaga, Granada y Almería- dependen de este acuerdo.