
"novelist" in Spanish

"novelist" in Spanish
a novelist with a long track record
un novelista de larga trayectoria
Thus, despite the acquittal of novelist Elif Shafak last week, freedom of expression remains under threat in Turkey.
Así, a pesar de la absolución del novelista Elif Shafak la semana pasada, la libertad de expresión continúa amenazada en Turquía.
Thus, despite the acquittal of novelist ElifShafak last week, freedom of expression remains under threat in Turkey.
Así, a pesar de la absolución del novelista Elif Shafak la semana pasada, la libertad de expresión continúa amenazada en Turquía.

Context examples for "novelist" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
a novelist with a long track record
un novelista de larga trayectoria
Hurston, whose best-known work is Their Eyes Were Watching God, was a novelist, folklorist and anthropologist and a leading light of the Harlem Renaissance.
Su comprensión de la cultura de los negros sureños no sólo puso a Eatonville también preservó la cultura para futuras generaciones.
A novelist's idea can, in a sense, be cloned, in that hundreds, thousands or even hundreds of thousands of copies of a book can be produced and marketed.
La idea del autor de una novela, en cierto sentido, se puede clonar porque se pueden hacer cientos y miles y cientos de miles de libros que circulan.