
"normative" in Spanish

"normative" in Spanish
normativo{adj. m}
This figure may be based on possible estimates, but these have no normative character as such.
Esa cantidad debe basarse en las mejores estimaciones posibles, pero como tal no tiene carácter normativo.
Public health and best agricultural practices should be normative in this respect.
A este respecto, la salud pública y las mejores prácticas agrícolas deben ser normativas.
This is the moral, normative basis for the state and its reason for being.
Esta es la base moral y normativa del Estado y su razón de ser.
If the pursuit of these goals were factored in, it would create a prescriptive element - a normative dimension, as it were - whereas the debate has so far been confined to current costs.
Si hay que tener en cuenta esos factores, se creará un elemento prescriptivo -es decir, una dimensión normativa-, mientras que el debate se ha limitado hasta ahora a los costes corrientes.

Synonyms (English) for "normative":
Context examples for "normative" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is not about making the fixing of book prices normative throughout the European Union.
No se pretende imponer el precio fijo de los libros en toda la Unión Europea.
designated and regulated by normative discipline, is extremely necessary.
pueden ser juzgados como « excepcionales ».
.: 275 Visual Integrity of Historic Urban Landscapes: Normative Action and Implementation Sabine VON SCHORLEMER (Germany)
Ref.: 269 Urban Practices vs. City Tissue: the Emergence of a New Historic Landscape.
The European Union is committed to the multilateral treaty system, which provides the legal and normative basis for all non-proliferation efforts.
El 12 de diciembre de 2003, el Consejo Europeo adoptó una estrategia de la UE contra la proliferación de armas de destrucción masiva.
normative grammar
gramática normativa
The state of affairs we will be deciding on tomorrow is such that we have now even fixed the curvature of the rear panel of a bus at a normative maximum of 150 mm.
Incluso hemos normalizado ahora -y este es el estado que mañana se acordará- la curvatura de la pared posterior del autobús hasta un máximo de 150 mm.
.: 275 Visual Integrity of Historic Urban Landscapes: Normative Action and Implementation Sabine VON SCHORLEMER (Germany) Visual integrity of historic urban landscapes
Ref.: 275 Visual Integrity of Historic Urban Landscapes: Normative Action and Implementation Sabine VON SCHORLEMER (Alemania) Integridad visual de los paisajes urbanos históricos