
"nomás" in English

"nomás" in English

Context examples for "nomás" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
si alguien quiere alguno de esos libros, que los agarre nomás
if anyone wants any of those books, they're there for the taking
quisiera hacerte unas preguntas — ¡pregunta nomás!
there are some questions I'd like to ask you — fire away!
tengo algunas preguntas que hacerle —¡pregunte nomás!
I've got some questions to ask you — OK, ask away!
la cocina nomás es más grande que todo mi apartamento
their kitchen alone is bigger than my apartment
no sé por qué me cae mal: simplemente porque sí nomás
I don't know why I dislike him: I just do!
si necesitan más sobres, agárrenlos nomás
if you need any more envelopes, just help yourselves
— claro ¡pregunta nomás!
can I ask you something? — sure, shoot!
— pregunte nomás
may I ask you a question? — go ahead!
no lo vas a convencer así nomás
you're not going to convince him as easily as that
¿por qué gastar dinero porque sí nomás?
why spend money just for the sake of it?
démelo así nomás, sin envolver
don't bother wrapping it, I'll take it as it is
nunca se casaron, nomás se arrimaron
they never married, they just shacked up
nomás de imaginármelo me pongo a temblar
I tremble at the mere thought of it
nomás de imaginármelo me pongo a temblar
I tremble just to think about it
vive aquí nomás, a dos cuadras
she lives just two blocks away from here
no te asustes: es el viento nomás
don't be scared: it's just the wind
hace los deberes así nomás
he dashes his homework off any which way
esa habilidad no se adquiere así nomás
such skill doesn't come easy
a mí eso no se me olvida así nomás
I won't forget that in a hurry!
hace los deberes así nomás
he dashes his homework off any old how