
"nocturnidad" in English

"nocturnidad" in English

Context examples for "nocturnidad" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Es una vergüenza que con nocturnidad tengamos que discutir temas tan importantes.
It is shameful that we have to discuss such important issues at night.
producción de vídeo de alta calidad en condiciones de escasez lumínica o nocturnidad.
to produce high-quality video in lowlight or nighttime conditions.
Señor Presidente, quiero comenzar mi intervención protestando porque este debate se celebra con nocturnidad.
Mr President, I would like to start by protesting at the fact that this debate is being held at night.
La nocturnidad carece de relevancia para esta cuestión.
The lateness of the hour is of no relevance here.
alegaron la nocturnidad como agravante
they cited as an aggravating circumstance the fact that it had been carried out under cover of darkness
En el debate de esta mañana sobre el Consejo Europeo de Niza hemos criticado que sus reuniones se celebren con nocturnidad y a puerta cerrada.
In this morning's debate on the European Council in Nice we criticised the fact that the meetings were held at night and behind closed doors.
Aznar, con nocturnidad y aprovechando una ley...
If what I have raised is laid down in the Spanish Constitution, why is the Peoples’ Party, the government of Mr Aznar, at night and taking advantage of a law ...