
"no molestar" in English

"no molestar" in English

Context examples for "no molestar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señor Presidente, no quería molestar al Sr. Hager sino solamente decirle lo siguiente.
Mr President, I did not wish to interrupt Mr Hager, but simply to say the following.
La Mesa debería tener la consideración de no molestar a los Miembros en relación a este asunto.
The Bureau should be so kind as not to trouble the Members on this account.
No me gusta molestar a sus Señorías interrumpiéndoles, pero tengo que pedir su ayuda.
I do not like to irritate colleagues by interrupting them, but I must appeal for your support.
Qué jerga tan contradictoria para no molestar a nadie ni priorizar nada.
One that is designed to please everyone and achieve nothing!
Qué jerga tan contradictoria para no molestar a nadie ni priorizar nada.
What sort of contradictory statement is this? One that is designed to please everyone and achieve nothing!
Pero, en ocasiones, la Comisión prefiere no molestar a los gobiernos de algunos de esos Estados.
Sometimes, however, the Commission does not want to tread on the toes of the governments of some Member States.
Lástima que no se haya podido molestar a la Presidencia británica para que venga a escucharle esta mañana.
What a pity that the British Presidency could not be bothered to turn up this morning to listen to you!
no llamaron dizque para no molestar
they didn't phone because they didn't want to disturb us, or so they said
yo no me voy a molestar en cocinar para ellos
I'm not going to put myself out cooking for them
pierde cuidado: no te volverá a molestar
rest assured: you'll never be troubled by him again
Pero ganaron muy a duras penas, y si hubiéramos tenido éxito nosotros, no tendríamos que molestar ahora a la Cámara.
Yet they so nearly won through and, had we succeeded, we would not have had to trouble the House on this occasion.
no lo quiero molestar si está ocupado
I don't want to force myself on you if you're busy
no te quiero molestar con mis problemas
I don't want to worry you with my problems
Aunque este es un hecho de sobra conocido, ha sido difícil hacer comprender a otros que no se trata de molestar a los camiones.
Although that is a well-known fact, it was still difficult to make others see that this is not about pestering lorries.
no quisiera molestar, pero …
I don't wish to impose, but …
Cuando comience a usar la Lupa, la barra de herramientas de Lupa desaparecerá para no molestar, pero podrá volverla a mostrar siempre que lo desee.
When you start using Magnifier, the Magnifier toolbar disappears to get out of your way, but you can display it again.
Por una vez no va a molestar.
It will not hurt for once.
no molestar a algn
to keep out of sb's way
se ruega no molestar
please do not disturb
se ruega no molestar
to do not disturb