
"mushrooms" in Spanish

hongos{m pl}
Mr Wijkman had a solution involving mushrooms.
Wijkman tenía una solución en la que se recurría a los hongos.
Once the mushrooms have done their job and soaked up the caffeine, the remnants may be used as animal feed.
Una vez que los hongos han realizado su labor y absorbido la cafeína, los restos pueden emplearse como alimento para animales.
What is interesting, however, is that it is possible to cultivate excellent, nutritious mushrooms from the remnants of the coffee bush.
Resulta interesante, no obstante, que sea posible cultivar excelentes y nutritivos hongos a partir de los restos de la planta del café.
In the case of berries, sour cherry and mushrooms, stronger crisis management measures are warranted.
En el caso de las bayas, las cerezas amargas y los champiñones, se han garantizado unas medidas más potentes de gestión de la crisis.
We are witnessing a proliferation of courts established by the United Nations, a kind of mushrooming of criminal courts.
Estamos presenciando una proliferación de tribunal especiales creados por las Naciones Unidas, como si fueran champiñones.
Members of this House are kept in the dark and covered with manure like mushrooms, and it is about time it stopped!
A los diputados de esta Asamblea se nos mantiene a la sombra y cubiertos de estiércol como a los champiñones, y¡ya es hora de que esto acabe!
The Soviets obliged the population to come out of their houses and watch the huge nuclear mushroom.
Los soviéticos obligaban a la gente a salir de sus casas y a contemplar la seta nuclear.
There were mushrooms for dinner, and so I asked her whether she was sure they were not poisonous.
De repente dije: "¿Estamos seguros de que las setas no son venenosas? "
However, agencies are growing like mushrooms after a rain.
Sin embargo, las agencias proliferan como setas después de la lluvia.
callampa{f} [Chile]
We are witnessing a proliferation of courts established by the United Nations, a kind of mushrooming of criminal courts.
Estamos presenciando una proliferación de tribunal especiales creados por las Naciones Unidas, como si fueran champiñones.
Members of this House are kept in the dark and covered with manure like mushrooms, and it is about time it stopped!
A los diputados de esta Asamblea se nos mantiene a la sombra y cubiertos de estiércol como a los champiñones, y¡ya es hora de que esto acabe!
Members of this House are kept in the dark and covered with manure like mushrooms, and it is about time it stopped!
A los diputados de esta Asamblea se nos mantiene a la sombra y cubiertos de estiércol como a los champiñones, y ¡ya es hora de que esto acabe!
seta{f} [bot.]
The Soviets obliged the population to come out of their houses and watch the huge nuclear mushroom.
Los soviéticos obligaban a la gente a salir de sus casas y a contemplar la seta nuclear.
However, agencies are growing like mushrooms after a rain.
Sin embargo, las agencias proliferan como setas después de la lluvia.
There were mushrooms for dinner, and so I asked her whether she was sure they were not poisonous.
De repente dije: "¿Estamos seguros de que las setas no son venenosas? "
hongo{m} [gastro.]
Mr Wijkman had a solution involving mushrooms.
El Sr. Wijkman tenía una solución en la que se recurría a los hongos.
Once the mushrooms have done their job and soaked up the caffeine, the remnants may be used as animal feed.
Una vez que los hongos han realizado su labor y absorbido la cafeína, los restos pueden emplearse como alimento para animales.
These mushrooms, for example shitaki mushrooms, are of high nutritional value and produce a much higher price per kilo on the market than coffee does.
Estos hongos, por ejemplo los shikati, tienen un alto valor nutritivo y tienen un precio más elevado por kilo en el mercado que el café.

Synonyms (English) for "mushroom":
Context examples for "mushrooms" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Like mushrooms, the British people are left in the dark and fed manure.
El pueblo británico está desinformado o mal informado.
lobster with mushrooms and ham in béchamel sauce
langosta a la catalana
pan-fried rabbit with mushrooms
guiso de conejo con setas
I should like to inform Members that there has been a good crop of mushrooms and other forest products in Poland, despite the crisis in the European Union.
De hecho nos va muy bien y el número de personas que se oponen a la Constitución está aumentando considerablemente.
mushrooms with cream sauce
champiñón a la crema
mushrooms sautéed with egg
revuelto de setas
garlic mushrooms
champiñones al ajillo