
"mumbo jumbo" in Spanish

"mumbo jumbo" in Spanish
jerga{f} (galimatías)
jerigonza{f} (mezcla de idiomas)
It is a of bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo and statements of the blindingly obvious.
Es todo un exponente de jerigonza burocrática y verdades de Perogrullo.
Let us not be distracted by 'mumbo jumbo ' is what she has said.
No nos distraigamos con las« jerigonzas», es lo que ha dicho.
Let us not be distracted by 'mumbo jumbo' is what she has said.
No nos distraigamos con las «jerigonzas», es lo que ha dicho.

Similar translations for "mumbo jumbo" in Spanish
Context examples for "mumbo jumbo" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It would seem to be a mixture of magic words, minimalism and mumbo-jumbo.
Parecería una mezcla de conjuros mágicos, minimalismo y confuso galimatías.
Unable to control what is going on, we then look to the heavens and try the old mumbo-jumbo.
Incapaces de controlar lo que está ocurriendo, alzamos la mirada al cielo y pronunciamos el viejo galimatías de siempre.
do you believe in faith healers and all that mumbo-jumbo?
¿y tú crees en curanderos y esas supercherías?
religion, he said, was a lot of mumbo jumbo
dijo que la religión no era más que supercherías
religion, he said, was a lot of mumbo jumbo
dijo que la religión no era más que paparruchas
it's all mumbo jumbo to me
me suena todo a chino
Utter mumbo-jumbo!
¡Pronunciemos el galimatías!
legal mumbo jumbo
jerigonza legal