
"movible" in English

"movible" in English
movible{adjective masculine/feminine}
movible{adjective masculine/feminine}
El implante puede estar "fijo" en el lugar, en el extremo de un hueso o no tan fijo, lo que hace el apéndice más móvil o "movible".
The insert can either be "fixed" into place on the end of one bone or not as fixed which makes the insert more movable or "mobile".

Context examples for "movible" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
torre de andamio movible independiente
free standing mobile scaffold tower
andamio movible impulsado manualmente
manually propelled mobile scaffold
andamio movible impulsado manualmente
manually propelled mobile scaffold
Después de haber comprobado con la draga que el fondo era suficientemente movible, trabajamos con la red y sacamos peces, camarones y otros crustáceos en grandes cantidades.
After having checked that the depths were mobile enough with the dredger, we worked with the net and pulled out big quantities of fish, baby shrimps and other crustacean.