
"mosque" in Spanish

"mosque" in Spanish
mezquita{f} [rel.]
It also has the largest mosque tomb in China and is a treasure, there is no doubt about that.
También tiene la mayor mezquita-panteón de China y es un tesoro; no cabe duda de ello.
In other words, if there is a mosque on that street, then no other religious building is allowed.
En otras palabras, si hay una mezquita en una calle, no puede haber ningún otro edificio religioso.
When the UN inspected the damage, only the school and the mosque were still standing.
Cuando Naciones Unidas inspeccionó los daños, sólo quedaban en pie la escuela y la mezquita.
aljama{f} (mezquita)

Context examples for "mosque" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
you have to take your shoes off in a mosque
hay que quitarse los zapatos en una mezquita
It is only the idolaters who are unclean; they shall not then approach the Sacred Mosque after this year.
Aquellos que atribuyen divinidad a otros junto con Dios no son sino impureza: y por tanto no deberán acercarse a la Casa Inviolable de Adoración transcurrido el presente año.
Anyone travelling across Spain today on the way to Morocco, through Seville and on to Marrakesh, for example, will observe that the Kutubiyah Mosque is very similar to the Giralda.
Si se viaja de España a Marruecos, por ejemplo, desde Sevilla a Rabat, se pude ver que la «Kutubija» es muy similar a la Giralda.
Anyone travelling across Spain today on the way to Morocco, through Seville and on to Marrakesh, for example, will observe that the Kutubiyah Mosque is very similar to the Giralda.
Si se viaja de España a Marruecos, por ejemplo, desde Sevilla a Rabat, se pude ver que la« Kutubija» es muy similar a la Giralda.
But what plea have they that Allah should not punish them when they turn folk away from the Sacred Mosque (The Kaaba), though they are not its fitting guardians?
¿Pero que tienen [ahora] a su favor para que Dios no les castigue --cuando impiden [a los creyentes] el acceso a la Casa Inviolable de Adoración, sin ser ellos sus guardianes [legítimos]?