
"misil" in English

"misil" in English
Segundo, se necesita lanzar un misil, y, tercero, se necesita un detonante real de la bomba.
Second, you need a missile to launch, and, third, you need the actual detonator of the bomb.
- (CS) Señor Presidente, ¿quién no experimentaría angustia al ver niños muertos por un misil?
- (CS) Mr President, who would not experience anguish on seeing children killed by a missile?
La segunda parte es el misil, y como saben, la tecnología relacionada con los misiles está avanzando rápidamente.
The second part is the missile and you know that the technology on missiles is moving rapidly.
rocket{noun} (missile)
También hay que tener presente que existe un intercambio de tecnología de misiles entre Corea del Norte e Irán.
It also needs to be borne in mind that there is an exchange of rocket technology going on between North Korea and Iran.
Estuvimos en Haifa, donde había un peligro constante de ataques con misiles.
We went to Haifa, where there was constant danger from rockets.
Las pruebes de misiles indias constituyen un instrumento de presión inútil y una provocación que resulta contraproducente.
The Indian rocket tests are ineffectual as a means of exerting pressure and constitute a provocation with counter-productive effects.

Context examples for "misil" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
misil de baja cota
low-level missile