"millionaire" in Spanish
"millionaire" in Spanish
One could imagine that it might be possible to be a socially excluded millionaire.
Cabría la posibilidad de pensar que un excluido social puede ser millonario.
he's a millionaire though he may not look it
es millonario, aunque no lo parezca
he's a dollar millionaire
es millonario en dólares
One could imagine that it might be possible to be a socially excluded millionaire.
Cabría la posibilidad de pensar que un excluido social puede ser millonario.
he's a millionaire though he may not look it
es millonario, aunque no lo parezca
he's a dollar millionaire
es millonario en dólares
Context examples for "millionaire" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
For me, Slumdog Millionaire is an example of success.
Para mí, Slumdog Millionaire es un ejemplo de éxito.
On a relatively modest Prime Minister's salary, he has mysteriously managed to become a multi-millionaire.
Con un salario de Primer Ministro relativamente modesto, ha conseguido misteriosamente convertirse en multimillonario.
he's a millionaire though he may not look it
es millonario, aunque no lo parezca
he's a dollar millionaire
es millonario en dólares
“The movement and rhythm throughout Slumdog Millionaire is very much a representation of how memories come to us in a free and fluid way.
“The movement and rhythm throughout Slumdog Millionaire is very much a representation of how memories come to us in a free and fluid way.
he's a millionaire
es millonario
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