
"midsummer" in Spanish

"midsummer" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "midsummer":
Context examples for "midsummer" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
it is traditional to light bonfires on midsummer night
es tradición encender fogatas la noche de San Juan
Midsummer's Day
el día de San Juan
According to the information obtained from the Bulgarian authorities, the conclusion of their internal budget audits will only be completed by mid-summer.
Con arreglo a la información facilitada por las autoridades búlgaras, sus auditorías presupuestarias internas no finalizarán hasta mediados de verano.
If darkness were the crucial factor for sleep children in Sweden, for example, would scarcely sleep an hour in mid-summer but 18-19 hours in mid-winter.
Si fuese la oscuridad la que determinase las horas de sueño, un niño sueco dormiría una hora larga en las noches de verano, y aproximadamente 18-19 en pleno invierno.
The ozone thresholds pursuant to Directive 92/ 72 were not exceeded in the city of Athens, but it should be noted that no measurements were made in mid-summer.
Los valores máximos establecidos por la Directiva 92/ 72 no se sobrepasaron en la ciudad de Atenas, aunque cabe observar que no se efectuaron mediciones a mediados de verano.