
"midnight" in Spanish

"midnight" in Spanish
It was midnight or one o'clock in the morning when there was a big demonstration.
Era la medianoche o la una de la mañana y se estaba celebrando una gran manifestación.
Mr President, I certainly have no intention of keeping you here until midnight.
Señor Presidente, por supuesto no deseo retenerle aquí hasta medianoche.
Now we are approaching midnight and we are discussing sporting matters.
Ahora nos acercamos a la medianoche y estamos debatiendo asuntos deportivos.

Context examples for "midnight" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mr President, Commissioner, it is good to see you burning the midnight oil along with us.
Señor Presidente, Comisario, me complace comprobar que comparten nuestra vigilia.
We might as well start at midnight on Tuesday and work right through until 8.30 a. m.
Probablemente podamos seguir trabajando desde el martes a media noche hasta las 8.30.
The debate seems to be taking place at about ten minutes to midnight.
El debate parece celebrarse cuando faltan diez minutos para las doce de la noche.
I see the Innovation Union programme as a programme coming at one minute to midnight.
Veo el programa "Unión por la innovación" como un programa que aparece de la noche a la mañana.
At five minutes to midnight, it is a little late to begin talking about political leadership.
Es un poco tarde empezar a hablar de liderazgo político a última hora.
Whenever we were sitting at night, it was always my ambition to finish at 12 midnight precisely.
Siempre que tenemos sesión por la noche, pretendo terminar a las 12 en punto de la noche.
I would urge the Council and the Commission not to wait until it is five past midnight.
Quisiera pedir insistentemente a la Comisión y al Consejo que no esperen a que se llegue al abismo.
At the moment there is a debate scheduled between midnight and 12.30 a. m.
Por el momento hay un debate previsto para que tenga lugar entre las 12.00 y las 12.30 de esta noche.
At the moment there is a debate scheduled between midnight and 12.30 a.m.
Por el momento hay un debate previsto para que tenga lugar entre las 12.00 y las 12.30 de esta noche.
Mr Ceyhun was unfortunately right to say that it would be his turn after midnight.
El Sr. Ceyhun llevaba razón, desafortunadamente, cuando ha dicho que su turno sería después de media noche.
Paul II, had said the same during his homily at the Midnight Mass just a
dicho lo mismo unas horas antes en la homilía de la Misa de
The deadline for submitting these pre-registrations expired at 12 midnight on 1 December.
Sabemos que la fecha límite para presentar estos prerregistros era a las 24.00 horas del 1 de diciembre.
Approximately April 2002, at midnight, my doorbell rang.
Aproximadamente en Abril del 2002, a media noche, sono mi timbre.
But we are at one minute to midnight for such a solution.
Sin embargo, tenemos poco tiempo para encontrar una solución.
If at 11 pm you are not back, at midnight I will lock the door.
Si a las 11 no has llegado, a las 12 cierro la puerta».
Mr President, I am pleased that my turn to speak has come before midnight this time - yesterday it was quarter past midnight.
Señor Presidente, me complace poder hablar antes de las doce, ayer fue a las doce y cuarto.
Mr President, it is five to midnight in Zimbabwe.
Señor Presidente, Zimbabue está al borde del abismo.
The Minister's letter states quite clearly: ' I shall be able to attend the debate from 9 p.m. to midnight.
La carta del ministro dice concretamente: »Podré asistir al debate del Pleno desde las 21.00 horas a las 24.00 horas.
The Minister's letter states quite clearly: ' I shall be able to attend the debate from 9 p. m. to midnight.
La carta del ministro dice concretamente:» Podré asistir al debate del Pleno desde las 21.00 horas a las 24.00 horas.
At night they prayed the Office of Readings followed by a midnight Mass, also presided by the Minister General.
Por la noche se celebraron el Oficio de Lecturas y la Eucaristía de media noche, presididas por el Ministro general.