
"martes" in English

"martes" in English
"martes" in Spanish
Tiene que hacerlo el próximo martes en la reunión del Consejo de Transporte.
They should do this next Tuesday at the meeting of the Transport Council.
Quizás se pueda arreglar que el próximo martes prosigamos el debate de hoy.
It may be possible to arrange for us to continue today's discussion next Tuesday.
Señor Presidente, quisiera pedirle que hiciera una pequeña modificación el martes.
Mr President, I would like to ask for a small change to Tuesday's agenda.
Tues[abbr.] (Tuesday)

Synonyms (English) for "mart":
Context examples for "martes" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El evento se llevó a cabo el martes 26 de octubre, en el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.
The event took place in October 26th , at the Ministry of Foreign Relations.
Desde que se trasladó al martes por la tarde, cada dos o tres veces se suspendía.
It has regularly been wrecked, every other or every third time, since being moved to the afternoon.
Con el nuevo año se ha suprimido el viernes y debatimos ya el martes.
For a long time, fisheries debates were held in Strasbourg on Fridays.
su padre llega el martes, entonces será el ajuste de cuentas
their father will be back next Tuesday; that'll be the day of reckoning
La votación tendrá lugar mañana, martes, a las 12.00 horas.
The Commission supports these amendments, which pursue the same objectives as its proposal.
La votación del informe tendrá lugar el martes a las 11.00 horas.
The vote on the report will take place on Thursday at 11a.m.
Espero debatir esto en futuros martes aquí en Estrasburgo.
I look forward to debating this on future Tuesdays in Strasbourg.
el martes que viene se subastará un cuadro importante
an important painting is to go under the hammer at next Tuesday's sale
el martes que viene se rematará un cuadro importante
an important painting is to go under the hammer at next Tuesday's sale
el martes es fiesta, así que seguramente haremos puente
Tuesday's a public holiday so we'll probably get Monday off as well
Lo que comunico a ustedes para que mañana martes vengan adecuadamente preparados para decidir al respecto.
I am telling you this so that you can come tomorrow duly prepared to make a decision on this.
— para no antes del martes
how soon can you have it ready? — Tuesday at the soonest
Danielle Dixon-Oglesby, martes, 10 de abril de 2012 04:15 p.
Spectacular,magical, amazing ,fantastic breath taking show.
La votación tendrá lugar el martes a las 12.00 horas.
Finally, I hope that the vote will result in a positive outcome.
en martes, ni te cases ni te embarques
proverb suggesting that it will bring bad luck to start a new venture on a Tuesday
La votación tendrá lugar el martes 18 de diciembre de 2008.
The vote will take place on Thursday 18 December 2008.
La próxima semana, el martes 13, celebraremos un coloquio sobre este importante tema en Manchester.
I regret that my fellow MEPs have not followed my proposal for a European Public Audiovisual Service Charter.
Un paso decisivo ha sido el final de las negociaciones en la conferencia de adhesión celebrada ayer martes.
A decisive step has been the conclusion of the negotiations at the accession conference held yesterday.
La votación tendrá lugar el martes, 20 de enero de 2011.
The vote will take place on Thursday, 20 January 2011.
La votación tendrá lugar el martes a las 12.00 horas.
These are our values, and we are ready to fight for them.