
"marisqueo" in English

"marisqueo" in English
Toda la costa de Galicia, mil kilómetros, está cerrada a la pesca y al marisqueo.
The entire Galician coast, one thousand kilometres, is closed to fishing and shellfish-gathering.
En Galicia, el marisqueo a pie -así se extrae la almeja babosa- lo realizan únicamente las mujeres.
In Galicia, shellfish gathering on foot - and this is how carpetshells are collected - is only done by women.
El marisqueo debe formar parte plena de la política pesquera común.
Shellfishing activities must be completely integrated into the common fisheries policy.

Context examples for "marisqueo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Toda la costa de Galicia, mil kilómetros, está cerrada a la pesca y al marisqueo.
The entire Galician coast, one thousand kilometres, is closed to fishing and shellfish-gathering.
El marisqueo debe formar parte plena de la política pesquera común.
Shellfishing activities must be completely integrated into the common fisheries policy.
En Galicia, el marisqueo a pie -así se extrae la almeja babosa- lo realizan únicamente las mujeres.
In Galicia, shellfish gathering on foot - and this is how carpetshells are collected - is only done by women.
Las pérdidas son enormes para el marisqueo, la pesca de bajura, la acuicultura, el turismo y para la propia imagen de Galicia.
Shellfish production, inshore fishing, aquaculture, tourism and the very image of Galicia have all been seriously affected.