
"mariano" in English

"mariano" in English
palabras deseo saludaros hoy a todos vosotros, congregados en este santuario mariano.
you who are gathered in this Marian shrine with the same words.
donde el pueblo fiel manifiesta, a través del culto mariano, su
regions, where the faithful manifest through their Marian devotion their
final del Año Mariano 1987-1988, durante el cual publiqué la Carta
end of the Marian Year of 1987-1988, during which I published the Encyclical

Context examples for "mariano" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nuestros hermanos protestantes no se reconocen en nuestra piedad mariano.
Our Protestant brothers do not understand our piety for Mary.
¡Raramente un papa había manifestado antes una piedad mariano de este calibre!
Rarely a Pope has shown such great piety for Mary!
Este desarrollo del culto mariano me parece excesivo.
This development of the cult for Mary seems too much for me.
profundo espíritu mariano.
devotion to the Mother of God.
Espíritu mariano.
Devotion to Mary.
La espiritualidad del catequista, como la de todo cristiano y, especialmente, la de todo apóstol, debe estar enriquecida por un profundo espíritu mariano.
The spirituality of catechists, like that of every Christian and especially those involved in the apostolate, will be enriched by a deep devotion to the Mother of God.