
"leopard" in Spanish

"leopard" in Spanish
In Thailand there is still a lot of illegal trading in orang-utans, monkeys and leopards.
En Tailandia sigue existiendo mucho comercio ilegal de orangutanes, monos y leopardos.
My second point is that the recourse of ETA to active terrorism is a timely reminder that seldom does the terrorist leopard change its spots.
Mi segundo comentario es que la utilización del terrorismo activo por parte de ETA es un recordatorio oportuno de que rara vez el leopardo terrorista cambia sus manchas.
Worldwide, this is something like over 3800 African elephants, over 2600 rare leopards and 9000 bears.
En todo el mundo, existen unos 3800 elefantes, cerca de 2600 leopardos raros y 9000 osos.
Mr Schulz compared you to the Leopard.
El señor Schulz le ha comparado con el Gatopardo.
And now, we have a third reform, which rather reminds me of "The Leopard' by the Italian novelist Lampedusa: everything must change in order to stay the same.
Y ahora está la tercera reforma, que recuerda un poco al novelista italiano Lampedusa en El Gatopardo : todo debe cambiar para que nada cambie.
And now, we have a third reform, which rather reminds me of " The Leopard ' by the Italian novelist Lampedusa: everything must change in order to stay the same.
Y ahora está la tercera reforma, que recuerda un poco al novelista italiano Lampedusa en El Gatopardo: todo debe cambiar para que nada cambie.

Synonyms (English) for "leopard":
Context examples for "leopard" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
a leopard cannot change its spots
al que nace barrigón es al ñudo que lo fajen
a leopard can't change its spots
al que nace barrigón es al ñudo que lo fajen
a leopard cannot change his spots
árbol que crece torcido, jamás se endereza
a leopard never changes its spots
quien nace para burro, muere rebuznando
a leopard cannot change its spots
quien nace chicharra muere cantando
a leopard never changes its spots
quien nace chicharra muere cantando
a leopard never changes its spots
genio y figura hasta la sepultura
a leopard never changes its spots
el que nace lechón muere cochino
a leopard cannot change its spots
la cabra siempre tira al monte
a leopard never changes its spots
la cabra siempre tira al monte
Conservationists used camera traps to observe the leopard in 2004, showing that Noah was living partly in Georgia and possibly also in Azerbaijan.
La Misin de monitorizacin de la Unin Europa avist por primera vez a MIsha en una poblacin cercacana a Gori, mientras patrullaba de forma rutinaria.