
"legionelosis" in English

"legionelosis" in English

Context examples for "legionelosis" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ya habíamos tenido en Estrasburgo casos de legionelosis, pero ahora estamos asistiendo a un brote de liberalismo particularmente peligroso.
We were aware of the cases of Legionnaire’s disease in Strasbourg, but we are now seeing a particularly nasty outbreak of liberalism.
Ya habíamos tenido en Estrasburgo casos de legionelosis, pero ahora estamos asistiendo a un brote de liberalismo particularmente peligroso.
Just as interesting is the call for a report to be drawn up on the impact of industrial fishing on cod stocks, which is still a controversial issue.
Pensemos tan sólo en el SIDA, la legionelosis, el virus ébola, la hepatitis C y E y los nuevos tipos de cólera, que según acabo de oír, están afectando ahora a los refugiados del Zaire.
Just think of AIDS, Legionella, Ebola, Hepatitis C and E, and a new strain of cholera, which I have just heard has now hit the refugees in Zaire.