
"juicy" in Spanish

"juicy" in Spanish
jugoso{adj. m}
I've got a juicy bit of scandal for you
te traigo un chisme jugoso
If our proposals are not accepted, the Commission and the Council will be putting the brakes on and throwing the Euro-sceptics a juicy issue for 2009.
Si nuestras propuestas no son aceptadas, la Comisión y el Consejo pondrán el freno y ofrecerán a los euroescépticos un jugoso tema para 2009.
Mr Bayrou and Mr Cohn-Bendit might have a problem deciding which team to play for, but in the end there could be a juicy transfer contract.
Cohn-Bendit, el de saber en qué equipo jugarían pero, finalmente, podría haber un jugoso contrato de traspaso.
suculento{adj.} [coll.]
The prospect of fat juicy orders for German submarines and French aircraft appears to be reason enough for some to thwart the arms embargo on China.
Al parecer, la posibilidad de obtener suculentos pedidos de submarinos alemanes y aviones franceses es motivo suficiente para desbaratar el embargo de armas sobre China.
sabroso{adj.} [coll.]
juicy(also: fruity)
picante{adj.} [coll.]

Synonyms (English) for "juicy":
Context examples for "juicy" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
some juicy gossip about his latest romance
unos comentarios jugosos acerca de su último romance
I've got a juicy bit of scandal for you
te traigo un chisme jugoso