
"…ite" in Spanish

"…ite" in Spanish

Context examples for "…ite" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Science and Technology Park of Crete (ITE)Vassilika VoutonGR-700 13 ΗeraklionΕλλάδα/Greece
Science and Technology Park of Crete (ITE)Vassilika VoutonGR-700 13 ΗeraklionΕλλάδα/Greece
Today we could use that Vulgar Latin saying, " Ite cuestiones sunt ".
Hoy podríamos decir en latín vulgar aquello de ite cuestiones sunt.
The Yemeni Government has repeatedly accused Iran of supporting the Shi'ite rebellion movement.
El Gobierno yemení ha acusado reiteradamente a Irán de apoyar el movimiento rebelde chiita.
Science and Technology Park of Crete (ITE)
Science and Technology Park of Crete (ITE)
Iran funds Hamas, supports Hezbollah in Lebanon and influences the internal politics of Iraq, where Shi'ite Islam is the predominant component of the government.
Irán financia a Hamás, apoya a Hezbolá en el Líbano e influye en la política interior de Iraq, donde el islam chiíta es el componente predominante del Gobierno.
Unfortunately, Shi'ite extremists, inspired and supported by Iran, continue to stoke sectarian tensions and spread propaganda against the government and the king.
Lamentablemente, los extremistas chiítas, inspirados y respaldados por Irán, continúan atizando tensiones sectarias y divulgando propaganda contra el Gobierno y el rey.
According to observers, Yemen is at risk of breaking up as a result of the Shi'ite rebellion in the north, the separatist movement in the south and the terrorist activity of al-Qaeda.
De acuerdo con los observadores, Yemen corre el riego de dividirse como resultado de la rebelión chiita en el norte, el movimiento separatista en el sur y la actividad terrorista de Al Qaeda.