
"irresoluble" in English

"irresoluble" in English
irresoluble{adjective masculine/feminine}
irresoluble{adjective masculine/feminine}
Nos abstenemos de votar sobre este informe, ya que presenta al Parlamento un dilema irresoluble.
We abstain from voting on this report, as it presents Parliament with an unsolvable dilemma.
Eran irresolubles dentro de la Yugoslavia Federal, dentro de Serbia y ahora este asunto delicado ha pasado a las manos de la Unión Europea.
They were unsolvable within the Federal Yugoslavia, within Serbia, and now this hot potato has been passed into the hands of the European Union.
Creo que la Comisión hace un trabajo muy interesante para resolver un problema absolutamente irresoluble, el de la cuadratura del círculo.
I believe that the Commission is doing some very interesting work in trying to resolve a problem that is totally unsolvable - in other words, it is trying to square the circle.

Context examples for "irresoluble" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
. - (PT) La directiva sobre inmigración ilegal plantea un dilema irresoluble.
in writing. - (PT) The Directive on illegal immigration poses an impossible dilemma.
El problema no es irresoluble cuando no nos afecta directa y profundamente.
This is not insurmountable if we are not deeply and directly involved.
Es un problema que tal vez no en este momento, sino en el futuro llegará a ser irresoluble.
This is a problem which will become irresolvable in the future, if it is not already.
La relación de Serbia con Kosovo es problemática pero no irresoluble.
Serbia's relationship with Kosovo is problematic but not insoluble.
No sé si se ha pensado en esto en el Consejo, pero yo lo considero como un problema jurídico irresoluble.
I do not know whether the Council has considered this, but to me it appears to be a totally impossible juridical problem.
Creo que nada es irresoluble.
I do not think there is anything that cannot be resolved.
La tarea se vuelve irresoluble en el caso en que ésta sea mal empleada y se desregularice, caso con el que ahora nos enfrentamos.
The task of reconciling these ideals becomes insoluble if it is misused for deregulation, as is the case here.
Por otra parte, está el problema irresoluble de la escasez de recursos financieros en la categoría 4 de las acciones exteriores.
Furthermore, we have the insoluble problem of the lack of financial resources in Category 4 for external action.
Señora Presidenta, me alegra mucho que se haya encontrado solución para la disputa que no hace tanto tiempo parecía una historia interminable e irresoluble.
Madam President, I am very happy that this dispute, which not long ago seemed to be a never-ending story, has now found a solution.
El número de refugiados era cada vez mayor y su repatriación, como tal, irresoluble y, por tanto, en esta situación hay que considerar el sistema de reasentamiento.
Their number was growing; their repatriation, as such, is irresolvable, and therefore in this instance the resettlement system certainly comes into consideration.
A menos que el Estado desempeñe un papel activo y no meramente formal, este problema seguirá siendo irresoluble y se acumularán las peticiones de las defraudadas víctimas.
Unless the state plays an active and not just a formal role, this problem will remain truly intractable and the petitions from defrauded victims will accumulate.
Si los ciudadanos que visitan las oficinas de los 732 diputados al Parlamento se pusieran en contacto con SOLVIT para presentar al menos una queja se plantearía un problema irresoluble.
If the citizens visiting the offices of the 732 Members of Parliament would each contact SOLVIT with at least one complaint, this would already cause an insolvable problem.
El problema de la vivienda, que depende de cada Estado, no es en absoluto irresoluble.
The problem of housing, which depends on each State, can be solved, however; all that we need is the political will to grant social housing the place and the means it deserves.