
"individualismo" in English

"individualismo" in English
Pero, ¿por qué sí es viable el individualismo y no lo es la solidaridad?
But why is it that individualism is viable and solidarity is not?
Pero,¿por qué sí es viable el individualismo y no lo es la solidaridad?
But why is it that individualism is viable and solidarity is not?
Es preciso fomentar de manera especial este individualismo y las diferencias y peculiaridades regionales.
It is this individualism and the regional differences and special features that we must strongly support.

Context examples for "individualismo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Individualismo y competencia en lugar de una acción colectiva y de reivindicación.
Individualisation and competition instead of collective action and fighting for demands.
tradiciones enseñan una ética que rechaza un individualismo
On the contrary, both our traditions teach an ethic which rejects an
La era del individualismo en nuestras carreteras ha quedado atrás; es necesario que las reglas sean acatadas en nuestras carreteras con la misma rigurosidad que en el tráfico aéreo.
The time for individuality on our roads is past: we need just as strict compliance with the regulations on the roads as we do with air travel.
En mi opinión, el marco general de esta cumbre ha sido muy pobre y su resultado se ve influenciado negativamente por un excesivo individualismo y un deficiente espíritu de comunidad.
In my view, the overall framework for this summit was extremely poor and its outcome is negatively influenced by far too much 'go-it-alone' and far too little commonality.