
"indecipherable" in Spanish

"indecipherable" in Spanish
To take a specific example, that of Burma, our policy concerning the country is indecipherable from the outside.
A modo de ejemplo concreto, nuestra política respecto de Birmania es indescifrable desde el exterior.
Next there is the almost indecipherable nature of some key passages of the treaties, only a very well-informed reading of which reveals this kind of trap.
Después, el carácter casi indescifrable de determinados pasajes clave de los Tratados, cuyos ardides sólo es posible descubrir con una lectura muy avisada.
Behind the humour, there is a great truth: yes to rigour in responding to requests, but no to the host of indecipherable formulas.
Detrás del humor se oculta una gran verdad: sí al rigor en la respuesta a las solicitudes, pero no a la multitud de fórmulas indescifrables.

Synonyms (English) for "indecipherable":
Context examples for "indecipherable" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The indecipherable tangle of account-settling, bogus contracts and nepotism in the domain of humanitarian aid - the ECHO programme - has aroused indignation, and rightly so.
Las oscuras cuentas, seudocontratos y amigocracia en el campo de la ayuda humanitaria ( "programa ECHO») han provocado justificadamente intranquilidad.