
"incubadora" in English

"incubadora" in English
Todo comercio de células u órganos humanos convierte al ser humano en un objeto, y los úteros de las mujeres en incubadoras.
Any trade in cells or human organs would turn human beings into objects, and women’s wombs into incubators.
Las universidades siempre han sido incubadoras de la cultura europea y han desempeñado un papel importante en el desarrollo de nuestras sociedades.
Universities have always been incubators of European culture and have played an important role in developing our societies.
Se trata a la mujer embarazada como una incubadora, privada del derecho a decidir por sí misma y del derecho a la salud y la intimidad inherentes a todo ser humano.
A pregnant woman is treated like an incubator, deprived of the right to decide for herself and of the right to health and privacy to which every man is entitled.

Context examples for "incubadora" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Después de más de 500 años como incubadora de cultura, Salvador, Brazil, es sinónimo de sincretismo religioso y cultural.
After more than 500 years as a crucible of culture, Salvador, Brazil, is synonymous with religious and cultural syncretism.