
"inaplicable" in English

"inaplicable" in English
inaplicable{adjective masculine/feminine}
"inaplicable" in Spanish
inaplicable{adjective masculine/feminine}
No obstante, el apartado 1 podrá ser declarado inaplicable a:
Paragraph1 may, however, be declared inapplicable in the case of:
Es un caso clásico en el que el principio de subsidiariedad resulta esencialmente inaplicable.
This is a classic case where the principle of subsidiarity is substantially inapplicable.
Este es el objeto del Reglamento 883/ 2004, que es todavía inaplicable sin procedimientos.
This is the purpose of Regulation 883/ 2004, which is still inapplicable without procedures.

Context examples for "inaplicable" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
He de decir que va a ser inviable e inaplicable.
I suggest that will be inoperable and unenforceable.
La propuesta es en su forma actual completamente inaplicable para garantizar un mejor régimen para los viáticos de los diputados.
As it stands, the draft is of no use at all in securing a better arrangement for MEPs' travel expenses.
Todos se esforzaron en poner de manifiesto que esta declaración pública inadmisible e inaplicable en este sector.
All of them tried their hardest to explain that this open declaration would not in fact be permissible or implementable.
La propuesta es en su forma actual completamente inaplicable para garantizar un mejor régimen para los viáticos de los diputados.
As it stands, the draft is of no use at all in securing a better arrangement for MEPs ' travel expenses.
Este plazo tan breve parece ya inaplicable, por ser demasiado justo en relación con la adopción de la directiva.
This short period already seems to be impossible to apply, because it comes too soon after the adoption of the directive.
Los que no lo firmen obtendrán una exención que será nula e inaplicable si no respetan el precio límite inferior.
Those who do not sign will get an exemption, but this will become null and void if they fail to comply with the price floor.
La propuesta es del todo inaplicable.
The proposal is totally impracticable.
Por esta razón, buena por lo demás, se nos propone una ampliación perfectamente inaplicable e irrealista.
For this reason, which in itself is positive, we are being presented with an extension of the directive that is totally unenforceable and unrealistic.
Si esta votación hubiera sido una votación final lo que, afortunadamente, no es el caso, una directiva así sería totalmente inaplicable.
If this vote had been a final one, which fortunately is not the case, a directive such as this would be completely unenforceable.
ser inaplicable a algo
to be inapplicable to sth
Vitorino abandona prácticamente este concepto al vincular su aplicación a condiciones que lo hacen en la práctica inaplicable.
Commissioner Vitorino has virtually given up this concept, by making its use dependent on conditions which make it almost impossible to apply in practice.
A fin de cuentas, este indeseado e inaplicable acuerdo perpetuará la utilización de esas trampas y no puede mejorar el bienestar de los animales atrapados.
At the end of the day this unwanted, unworkable non-agreement will perpetuate the use of the leghold trap and is unable to improve the welfare of trapped animals.
– Señor Presidente, Señorías, voto en contra de la directiva sobre la conservación de los datos, en primer lugar porque se trata de una directiva intrusiva y técnicamente inaplicable.
– MrPresident, ladies and gentlemen, I am voting against the data retention directive, primarily because it is intrusive and technically unworkable.
En Suecia se discute con somnolencia sobre la neutralidad, concepto que la mayoría considera como una herencia de la guerra fría e inaplicable en la actualidad.
In Sweden, a somewhat sluggish debate about neutrality is taking place, a concept which most of us perceive as a hangover from the days of the Cold War and as not being relevant today.
Parece que esta lección no ha sido todavía aprendida por la mayoría de los responsables de la redacción del texto, lo que ha llevado a un resultado inflexible e inaplicable.
It seems that this lesson has not been learnt by most of those who have presented us with this text and, as a result, we have something which is inflexible and very difficult to implement.