
"impresentable" in English

"impresentable" in English
impresentable{adjective masculine/feminine}
"impresentable" in Spanish
impresentable{adjective masculine/feminine}
presentable{adj. m/f}
The form is just about presentable, but is very much lacking in content.
Tiene una forma todavía presentable, pero con un contenido gravemente deficiente.
To be effective, however, those reforms are going to have to be universal, ambitious, socially sustainable and politically presentable.
Pero, para ser eficaces, esas reformas deben ser globales, ambiciosas, socialmente soportables y políticamente presentables.
visible{adj.} [coll.] (presentable)

Context examples for "impresentable" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Son declaraciones fruto de un descaro realmente impresentable, para nosotros al menos.
The nerve of these statements is completely unacceptable, to us at least.
El actual impasse en el que se encuentra la legislación sobre las redes de enmalle a la deriva es, sencillamente, impresentable.
The current impasse in which the legislation on driftnets finds itself is simply untenable.
¿A usted le parece normal que la Comisión avalara con su presencia esa actuación tan impresentable del Gobierno español?
Does it seem normal to you that the Commission should attend such an absurd event organised by the Spanish Government?
Pido a esta presidencia que les comunique que, como ponente, me parece una actitud impresentable, me parece humillante.
I would ask you, Mr President, to inform the Council that, as rapporteur, I find its attitude unacceptable and humiliating.
es impresentable
he's hardly presentable in polite society
estás impresentable
you're not fit to be seen!
Es impresentable.
It is outrageous!
Señor Ministro, comprendo su poca disposición a dar una respuesta clara y sin subterfugios a las preguntas relativas al impresentable comportamiento de Turquía en Chipre.
Minister, I understand your unwillingness to give a clear, spontaneous reaction to Turkey's intolerable conduct in Cyprus.
Pero me parece políticamente impresentable que no puedan expresarse todos los Grupos, al menos una vez, antes de interrumpir el debate.
It does seem to me, however, that it is politically unacceptable not to allow all the groups to express an opinion at least once before postponing the debate.