
Household chores in Spanish

21 Jul, 2020 Popular Articles
Household chores in Spanish5 votes. 3.9 / 5

In this lesson, we will learn some common words ad phrases related to household chores in Spanish. Let's find out how to say some common tasks that you do at home such as cleaning, washing, ironing, etc.

Household chores in Spanish

  • Household chores - Los quehaceres domésticos
  • House cleaning - Tareas de la casa
  • Vacuum - Pasar la aspiradora
  • Iron - Planchar
  • Iron the clothes - Planchar la ropa
  • Wash - Lavar
  • Wash the clothes/Do laundry - Lavar la ropa
  • Wash the dishes - Lavar los platos
  • Wash the car - Lavar el coche
  • To clean - Limpiar
  • Clean the windows - Limpiar las ventanas
  • Clean the bathroom - Limpiar el baño
  • Dust - Limpiar el polvo/Quitar el polvo
  • Dust the furniture - Sacudir los muebles
  • Sweep the floor - Barrer el suelo
  • Polish - Sacar brillo
  • Make the bed - Hacer la cama
  • Lay the table - Poner la mesa
  • Take out the trash - Sacar la basura
  • Mow the lawn - Cortar el césped
  • Water the plants - Regar las plantas
  • Cook - Cocinar
  • Prepare dinner - Preparar la cena
  • Do the hovering - Pasar la aspiradora
  • Put the clothes in the washing machine - Poner la ropa en la lavadora
  • Take the dog for a walk - Pasear al perro
  • Hang the clothes - Tender la ropa

See also: Spanish bedroom vocabulary

Cleaning supplies and tools

  • Cleaning supplies - Los artículos de limpieza
  • Brush - El cepillo
  • Broom - La escoba
  • Mop - La fregona
  • Bucket - El cubo
  • Vacuum - La aspiradora
  • Window cleaner - El limpiacristales
  • Oven cleaner - El limpiahornos
  • Dishwasher - Lavador de platos
  • Disinfectant - El desinfectante
  • Detergant - El detergente
  • Rag - El trapo
  • Dustpan - El recogedor
  • Paper towels - Las toallas de papel
  • Sponge - La esponja

Common adjectives

  • tidy/orderly - ordenado
  • untidy/disorderly - desordenado
  • clean - limpia
  • dirty - sucio

Check out the video below to learn how to pronounce words above.

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