
"hornets' nest" in Spanish

"hornets' nest" in Spanish
If we go down that road, we will create a hornetsnest.
Si tomamos ese camino, alborotaremos el avispero.
Naturally we admire the courage of the rapporteur, who is as it were sticking his hand into a hornets' nest.
Desde luego, admiramos el valor del ponente, que, por así decirlo, ha metido su mano en un avispero.
Naturally we admire the courage of the rapporteur, who is as it were sticking his hand into a hornets ' nest.
Desde luego, admiramos el valor del ponente, que, por así decirlo, ha metido su mano en un avispero.

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Similar translations for "hornets' nest" in Spanish
Context examples for "hornets' nest" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
American companies, for example Google, Microsoft and, in particular, Yahoo, have, in China, stirred up a hornetsnest.
Empresas estadounidenses como por ejemplo Google, Microsoft y, en especial, Yahoo, han causado en China un gran revuelo.
In Afghanistan, for example, we had no idea of how to respond to the urgent request from Commander Massoud to destroy the hornets ' nest that had developed in his country.
En Afganistán, por ejemplo, no hemos sabido responder a la demanda acuciante del comandante Masud para destruir el enjambre de abejas que se ha creado en dicho país.