
"Homero" in English

"Homero" in English
Homero{proper noun}
Homero{proper noun}
Después de todo, siete ciudades reivindican ser la patria de Homero.
After all, seven towns laid claim to being Homer's birthplace.
Señora Presidenta, permítame citar a Péguy en su poema sobre Homero: «Argos le inspiró en su búsqueda de los Otros».
Madam President, 'Argos did inspire him in his search for the Other', to quote Péguy on Homer.
Homero sigue siendo el poeta supremo
Homer remains supreme among poets

Context examples for "Homero" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En 2000, volvió a superar la hazaña con el montaje de La Odisea de Homero.
Champagne's next assignment for Cirque was to co-direct ZUMANITY with René Richard Cyr.
Homero sigue siendo el poeta supremo
Homer remains supreme among poets
Homero, hacia el 800 aC
Homer, c. 800 B.C.
Gracias, señor Roche, a pesar de los llamamientos autoritarios y las citas de Shakespeare, Homero y Ulises, el Comisario Patten me ha informado de que no tiene la intención de contestar.
In the interim report on the strategic partnership endorsed by the Council last week, the European Union has established a set of guiding principles for its engagement in the region.