
"historiador" in English

"historiador" in English
Una Europa que un historiador ha definido como "No tanto un lugar sino una idea".
A Europe that one historian has called 'Not so much a place but an idea'.
Hablo aquí no sólo como político y socialdemócrata, sino también como historiador.
I speak here not just as a politician, as a Social Democrat, but as a historian too.
Como habría dicho un célebre historiador francés, : no es un tema que debamos tratar a la ligera.
As a famous French historian might have commented, : this is not a subject which should be treated lightly.

Context examples for "historiador" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Cuando se es un poco historiador, uno se extraña un poco de oír hablar de archivos de esta forma.
Anyone with an interest in history is slightly surprised to hear archives being defined in this way.
Yo soy historiador y creo que si vinculáramos el día únicamente al Pacto Molotov-Ribbentrop, no haría justicia a todo lo que ocurrió en el siglo XX.
I think that if we were to link the day solely to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact it would not do justice to everything that happened in the 20th century.