
"half-and-half" in Spanish


Similar translations for "half-and-half" in Spanish
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Context examples for "half-and-half" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
On Sunday I watched - half joyful, half tearful - as events unfolded in Priština.
El domingo observaba, entre sonrisas y lágrimas, el desarrollo de los acontecimientos de Pristina.
we half carried, half dragged him toward the exit
lo llevamos casi a rastras hacia la salida
with a half pleased, half surprised look
con una expresión entre complacida y sorprendida
she said it kind of half serious, half joking
lo dijo medio en serio, medio en broma
Mr Colajanni's objectivity reminds me of the old recipe for lark pâté: half horse, half lark, one of each.
La objetividad del Sr. Colajanni es la vieja receta del pastel de alondras, medio caballo y media alondra, un caballo por una alondra.
That way, you would be able to form a balanced Commission, not with nine women, but made up of half women, half men.
De esa manera usted podría formar una Comisión equilibrada, no con nueve mujeres, sino integrada al 50 % por hombres y mujeres.
she is half Italian, half Greek
es hija de italianos y griegos
half walking, half running
medio caminando, medio corriendo
Roughly speaking, I would say that it is the syndrome of the half-empty/half-full glass, depending on who is looking at it.
En líneas generales, quisiera decir que se trata del síndrome del vaso medio lleno o medio vacío, dependiendo del punto de vista del que lo mire.
half wool, half acrylic
mitad lana y mitad acrílico
half man, half horse
mitad hombre, mitad caballo
Not a few Heads of State or Government would like to have things split half and half between government and opposition; perhaps the German Chancellor would in his present situation.
La cuestión de Chipre me preocupa desde que entré en esta Cámara en 1984, cuando pocos creían que la perspectiva de su adhesión pudiera ser realista.
The truth is that we are trying to create 'Mindongs' in Europe, like the Chinese 'half-farmers, half-labourers' working under the worst possible conditions.
La verdad es que en Europa estamos intentando crear "mindongs", esos trabajadores chinos, "medio agricultores, medio obreros" que trabajan en las peores condiciones posibles.
Britain has already seen a rise in population of three and a half million - half the size of London - in the 12 years since the Labour Government came to power in 1997.
Gran Bretaña ya ha visto un aumento de la población de tres millones y medio -la mitad del tamaño de Londres- en los 12 años que lleva el Gobierno laborista en el poder desde 1997.
Not a few Heads of State or Government would like to have things split half and half between government and opposition; perhaps the German Chancellor would in his present situation.
No pocos Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno querrían tener las cosas repartidas a medias entre gobierno y oposición; quizás el Canciller alemán sí querría en su situación actual.
Half jokingly, half seriously, I would like to ask you: would not it be worthwhile to recommend that unpopular governments refrain from, let us say, active promotion of the idea of a united Europe?
Medio en broma, medio en serio, quiero preguntarle: ¿no merecería la pena recomendar que los gobiernos impopulares se abstengan, digamos, de fomentar activamente la idea de una Europa unida?