
"godmother" in Spanish

"godmother" in Spanish
her fairy godmother granted her wish
su hada madrina le concedió el deseo
the fairy godmother
el hada madrina
We were never meant to be the policeman for the farmers within the Union and the fairy godmother for the farmers in the rest of the world.
Nunca hemos querido ser policías para los granjeros dentro de la Unión y hadas madrinas para los agricultores del resto del mundo.

Context examples for "godmother" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
her fairy godmother granted her wish
su hada madrina le concedió el deseo
the fairy godmother
el hada madrina
If we want sovereignty, if we want social cohesion, if we want morality, let us not privatize the electricity 'fairy godmother' because fairy godmothers are not for sale in the marketplace.
Si deseamos la soberanía, si deseamos la cohesión social, si deseamos la moralidad, no hay que privatizar al «hada-electricidad» porque las hadas no se ponen a la venta en el mercado.
If we want sovereignty, if we want social cohesion, if we want morality, let us not privatize the electricity 'fairy godmother ' because fairy godmothers are not for sale in the marketplace.
Si deseamos la soberanía, si deseamos la cohesión social, si deseamos la moralidad, no hay que privatizar al« hada-electricidad» porque las hadas no se ponen a la venta en el mercado.