
"George" in Spanish

"George" in Spanish
George{proper noun}
George{proper noun}
Mr President, the bomb attack perpetrated in Istanbul against St George's Cathedral is deplorable as it reveals a dangerous religious extremism in Turkey.
Señor Presidente, el atentado con bomba perpetrado en Estambul contra la catedral de San Jorge es deplorable y condenable por lo que revela de extremismo religioso peligroso en Turquía.

Context examples for "George" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Contrary to what George W. Bush thinks, the road to Baghdad passes through Jerusalem.
En contra de lo que piensa George W. Bush, la ruta hacia Bagdad pasa por Jerusalén.
This is the message that I will pass on to President George Bush tomorrow.
Este es el mensaje que voy a transmitir mañana al Presidente George Bush.
George Orwell warned us of this - and we must prevent it from occurring.
George Orwell nos advirtió que esto podía ocurrir y nosotros tenemos evitar que suceda.
Call for Action to Protect Egyptian Antiquities by George Washington University.
Audio of Dwight D. Eisenhower Speech Found - Metropolitan Museum.
Call for Action to Protect Egyptian Antiquities by George Washington University.
New York, New York State (USA) As commander of Allied forces in Europe during World War II, Gen.
2 - 6 March 2009 2009 George Wright Society Biennial Portland, Oregon.
2 - 6 marzo 2009 Bienal 2009 de la George Wright Society Portland, Oregón.
A former minister George Thomson passed away last week at the age of 87.
El ex Ministro Thomson falleció la semana pasada a la edad de 87 años.
American President George W. Bush visits NATO and the European Union.
El Presidente americano George W. Bush visita la OTAN y la Unión Europea.
Using George Orwell’s newspeak, I could say that war has become peace.
Empleando la neolengua de George Orwell, podría decir que la guerra se ha convertido en paz.
We are working with George Soros and his Decade of Roma Inclusion.
Estamos trabajando con George Soros y su Decenio de la Inclusión Romaní.
Of course, I refer to Eric Blair, better known as George Orwell.
Me refiero, naturalmente, a Eric Blair, más conocido como George Orwell.
As he goes into retirement, let us salute the record of President George W.
Ahora que se retira, rindamos tributo a este respecto al Presidente George W. Bush.
George W. Bush is good for the US and good for Europe, and we welcome him to Europe.
George W. Bush es necesario para EE.UU. y para Europa y le damos una cordial bienvenida a nuestro continente.
George W. Bush is good for the US and good for Europe, and we welcome him to Europe.
George W. Bush es necesario para EE. UU. y para Europa y le damos una cordial bienvenida a nuestro continente.
Would we encourage the EU to attack Iraq as well, or would we try to hold George Bush back?
¿Animaríamos a la Unión Europea a que atacase también al Iraq, o nos esforzaríamos por frenar a George Bush?
In 2001 the entire world supported George Bush and the United States in the fight against terrorism.
En 2001, todo el mundo apoyó a George Bush y a los Estados Unidos en la lucha contra el terrorismo.
It is a dangerous and irresponsible path which George Bush has chosen, and the EU must react robustly.
George Bush ha elegido un camino peligroso e irresponsable y la UE debe reaccionar enérgicamente.
The American president, George Bush, will be in Gothenburg.
El Presidente norteamericano George Bush estará en Gotemburgo.
Sac and Fox Nation Chief George Thurman plans to voice his concerns this week in Washington.
El jefe de la nación Sac y Fox, George Thurman, planea expresar su consternación esta semana en Washington.
I note that not even George Bush dares go that far.
Tengo que decir que ni siquiera George Bush se atreve a ir tan lejos.