
"garlic salt" in Spanish

"garlic salt" in English

Context examples for "garlic salt" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Remove the outside leaves and woody parts of the artichokes then cut in half and cook in a frying pan with oil, garlic, thyme, salt and pepper.
Limpiar las alcachofas retirando las hojas externas y las partes leñosas, cortarlas por la mitad y rehogarlas en sartén con aceite, ajo, tomillo, sal y pimienta.
Cut the courgettes to the same thickness as the aubergines and grill on both sides, then dress with slices of garlic, salt, pepper and mint leaves.
Cortar los calabacines en rodajas del mismo espesor que las berenjenas y asarlos por ambos lados, después condimentarlos con ajo en rodajas, sal, pimienta y hojas de menta.