
"gallows" in Spanish

"gallows" in Spanish
he was sent to the gallows
lo condenaron al patíbulo
There are very few legal avenues left open to Moumia to escape the gallows.
Muy pocas posibilidades legales le quedan a Mumia para escapar a la horca.
he was condemned to the gallows
lo condenaron a la horca
Ten were hanged yesterday: first, they were heavily fined and had their homes confiscated, and then each was mercilessly flogged before being dragged to the gallows.
Ayer se ahorcó a 10 de ellas: primero, se les impusieron multas elevadas y se confiscaron sus hogares, y luego se azotó sin piedad a cada una de ellas antes de arrastrarlas a la horca.

Context examples for "gallows" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
There are very few legal avenues left open to Moumia to escape the gallows.
Muy pocas posibilidades legales le quedan a Mumia para escapar a la horca.
Using cranes as gallows is a crime, and a misuse of technology.
El uso de grúas como horcas es un crimen y una utilización inadecuada de la tecnología.
he was condemned to the gallows
lo condenaron a la horca
he was sent to the gallows
lo condenaron al patíbulo
gallows humor
humor patibulario
Ten were hanged yesterday: first, they were heavily fined and had their homes confiscated, and then each was mercilessly flogged before being dragged to the gallows.
Ayer se ahorcó a 10 de ellas: primero, se les impusieron multas elevadas y se confiscaron sus hogares, y luego se azotó sin piedad a cada una de ellas antes de arrastrarlas a la horca.
Last Friday, as Paulo Casaca told us, their executioners took a 23-year-old girl from her cell and led her to the gallows without first allowing her access to her parents.
El viernes pasado, tal y como nos ha dicho Paulo Casaca, sus ejecutores tomaron a una niña de 23 años de la celda y la llevaron a la horca sin dejarle si quiera dirigirse a sus padres.
And finally, when the shadow of the gallows looms over the outcome of the trial, Turkey should be informed of Europe's views, for the sake both of Turkey and of Europe itself.
Cuando, por último, se vislumbra la sombra de la horca en las conclusiones del juicio, es necesario que Turquía sepa lo que piensa Europa y lo es tanto para Turquía como para la propia Europa.