
"gaitas" in English

"gaitas" in English
gaitas{feminine plural}
gaitas{feminine plural}
el son de las gaitas
the skirl of the bagpipes
Se me ha acusado de querer prohibir las gaitas en Escocia.
I have been accused of wanting to close down the whole of the pop industry in Great Britain and of wanting to prohibit the bagpipes in Scotland.

Context examples for "gaitas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Estamos deseando escuchar las gaitas en la próxima Cena de Burns.
We look forward to hearing the pipes at the next Burns ' Supper.
Estamos deseando escuchar las gaitas en la próxima Cena de Burns.
We look forward to hearing the pipes at the next Burns' Supper.
Tengo la impresión de que el BCE quiere templar gaitas y ruego a su Presidente que aclare su posición.
I tend to feel that the ECB wants to play fast and loose and I would like its President to clarify his position.
Cuando abordamos la cuestión del ruido industrial, se nos acusó de intentar prohibir las gaitas en Escocia.
When we worked on the issue of industrial noise, we were accused of trying to ban bagpipe playing in Scotland.
Me complace mucho que se corrigieran las enmiendas 23 y 25, y se dejara al margen el mundo de las bandas de gaitas, entre otros.
I am very glad that Amendments Nos 23 and 25 were corrected, thereby saving the world of pipe bands amongst others.
déjate de gaitas
I don't want any more of your excuses
Cuando abordamos la cuestión del ruido industrial, se nos acusó de intentar prohibir las gaitas en Escocia.
Sadly, we have come to expect totally misleading and sensational press releases from the right, misrepresenting important pieces of health and safety legislation.
el son de las gaitas
the skirl of the bagpipes
Se me ha acusado de querer prohibir las gaitas en Escocia.
I have been accused of wanting to close down the whole of the pop industry in Great Britain and of wanting to prohibit the bagpipes in Scotland.