
"fusil" in English

"fusil" in English
Hablé con él: "No lloro por miedo a tu fusil, sino por ti que eres joven.
I told him: 'I am not crying because I am afraid of your machine gun: I am crying for you who are young.
Y es así, porque en un país civilizado la política tiene la primacía sobre el fusil; la primera tiene que controlar al segundo.
After all, in a civilised country politics presides over guns, the former instructs the latter.
cayó fusil en mano
he fell gun in hand
fusil(also: rifle)
Prefiere el clic del fusil al clic de la cámara.
It prefers the click of the rifle to the click of the camera.
Los demócratas prefieren el disparo de la cámara, mientras que el Sinn Fein opta por el disparo del fusil.
Democrats choose the camera shot, Sinn Fein chooses the rifle shot.
llevaba el fusil al hombro
he was carrying his rifle on his shoulder
fusil(also: plagio)

Context examples for "fusil" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ante el fracaso, y después de la guerra de los Balcanes, acaba de cambiar su fusil de hombro.
Faced with failure, following the Balkan conflict, it has had a change of heart.
llevaba el fusil al hombro
he was carrying his rifle on his shoulder
marchar con el fusil cruzado
to march at the port
cayó fusil en mano
he fell gun in hand
fuego de fusil
rifle fire
Es importante hacer hincapié en que el ciudadano de a pie no mide la importancia de las cuestiones relacionadas con la seguridad únicamente por el cañón de un fusil.
It is also important to stress that the ordinary citizen does not measure the significance of security issues solely in military terms.