
"friendships" in Spanish

"friendships" in Spanish
amistades{f pl}
We welcome the attempts to rebuild bridges in our transatlantic friendships.
Elogiamos los intentos de reconstruir los puentes con nuestras amistades trasatlánticas.
We had a great time as we were given the chance to hear more stories and create new friendships.
Pasamos un buen rato ya que nos dieron la oportunidad de escuchar más historias y creamos amistades.
My team – Scotland – was in Lithuania recently and I have no doubt a number of friendships were made.
El equipo de mi país –Escocia– visitó hace poco Lituania y estoy seguro de que se trabaron numerosas amistades.
I hope that friendship prevails in this area, the friendship symbolised by this bridge.
Espero que la amistad que simboliza este puente termine imponiéndose.
To personal friendship and political enmity: 'Benvenuto, Signor Prodi!
Por una enemistad política y por una amistad personal: ¡Benvenuto, Signor Prodi!
To personal friendship and political enmity: 'Benvenuto, Signor Prodi!
Por una enemistad política y por una amistad personal:¡Benvenuto, Signor Prodi!

Synonyms (English) for "friendship":
Context examples for "friendships" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Our friendships have not been weakened but been strengthened.
Nuestra amistad no se ha debilitado, sino que se ha fortalecido.
Commissioner Schreyer, ladies and gentlemen, Voltaire liked to say that his motto was: short letters for long friendships.
El objetivo del informe no consiste en formular propuestas concretas, sino es establecer directrices para la siguiente legislatura.
Firstly, we need to ensure that we consolidate our friendships with those allies with whom we wish to act together against American unilateralism.
En primer lugar, tenemos que consolidar nuestra amistad con aquellos aliados con los que deseamos actuar conjuntamente en contra del unilateralismo estadounidense.
Commissioner, is it not inconsistent for us to form friendships and ties with regimes which violate human rights in this way, to the point of stoning its women to death?
¿Es, señor Comisario, coherente que estrechemos afectos y lazos con regímenes que violan de esta manera los derechos humanos hasta matar a pedradas a sus mujeres?
Certain groups seem to be permeated by a visceral, deep-seated anti-American, anti-Western feeling, which clearly reveals old Soviet friendships that have never dimmed.
Si la Unión Europea respondiera con la misma energía, fuerza y celeridad contra el terrorismo que con los supuestos vuelos de la CIA, estaríamos en el buen camino.