
"fraseología" in English

"fraseología" in English
Esta fraseología inmediatamente conduce a un debate sobre un posible retraso.
That is phraseology that would immediately lead to a discussion about deferral.
En mi calidad de representante de la Unión Europea en Camboya, era plenamente consciente de la dificultad que encierra esa fraseología.
As the European Union's representative in Cambodia I was very well aware of how difficult that phraseology was.
Quisiera pensar que se trata de un error de traducción inconsciente, pero esta fraseología derogatoria probablemente no sea accidental.
I would like to think this was an unwitting translation error but this derogatory phraseology is probably not accidental.

Context examples for "fraseología" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La fraseología diplomática es, en esta situación, una hipocresía sin perspectivas.
Diplomatic rhetoric amounts to hypocrisy in this situation.
No hemos sucumbido a esta tentación, pues un texto tan técnico y relativamente corto, que cuida evitar la fraseología florida, supone un primer vistazo.
We did not succumb to this temptation, as the relatively brief and highly technical text, which carefully avoids flowery wording, indicates at first glance.
Un mensaje político sin mas razones políticas, sin fraseología política, sino con obras políticas.
I believe that this is our opportunity to send out a strong, separate political message, but one without political oratory and without political rhetoric, but with political action.