
"flauta" in English

flautist{noun} [Brit.]
flutist{noun} [Amer.]
flauta dulce contralto
treble recorder
flute{noun} [mus.] (instrument, organ stop)
la sonata tiene una transcripción para flauta
the sonata has been transcribed for the flute
se oía una flauta a lo lejos
the strains of a flute could be heard in the distance
el tono lánguido de la flauta
the languishing tones of the flute
la sonata tiene una transcripción para flauta
the sonata has been transcribed for the flute
se oía una flauta a lo lejos
the strains of a flute could be heard in the distance
el tono lánguido de la flauta
the languishing tones of the flute

Context examples for "flauta" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
la sonata tiene una transcripción para flauta
the sonata has been transcribed for the flute
se oía una flauta a lo lejos
the strains of a flute could be heard in the distance
el tono lánguido de la flauta
the languishing tones of the flute
si le suena la flauta, gana
if he gets a bit of luck, he'll win
la dulzura de la flauta
the sweet sound of the flute
flauta dulce contralto
treble recorder
la flauta de Pan
the pipes of Pan