
"exogenous" in Spanish

"exogenous" in Spanish
exógeno{adj. m}
Indeed, exogenous factors are perhaps far more significant in this respect.
De hecho, los factores exógenos son quizás más significativos a este respecto.
Of course, European shipping faces huge challenges at present, as well as an exogenous challenge.
Por supuesto, en la actualidad el transporte marítimo europeo se enfrenta a enormes retos, así como un a reto exógeno.
An exogenous, inhaled form (iNO) exists that mimics this action without affecting systemic blood pressure.
Existe una forma exógena, inhalada (ONi), que imita esta acción sin afectar directamente la presión arterial sistémica.
exógena{adj. f}
An exogenous, inhaled form (iNO) exists that mimics this action without affecting systemic blood pressure.
Existe una forma exógena, inhalada (ONi), que imita esta acción sin afectar directamente la presión arterial sistémica.

Synonyms (English) for "exogenous":
Context examples for "exogenous" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is not clear how long the exogenous cost-push will last.
No está claro cuánto tiempo durará la presión exterior sobre los costes.
However, as we have seen, everything will depend on exogenous factors which could turn this agreement into nothing but a piece of paper with no real significance.
No obstante, como se ha podido comprobar, todo esto depende de factores externos, que pueden convertir este acuerdo en un papel sin mayor trascendencia.