
"excrement" in Spanish

"excrement" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "excrement":
Context examples for "excrement" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
From there we get our excrement back in the form of mussels in those months which, in French, have the letter R in them.
Estos residuos nos vuelven en forma de mejillones de septiembre a abril.
Here, all our excrement gets directed untreated into the River Samme, which takes it untreated into the River Schelde, which takes it untreated into the North Sea.
Todos nuestros residuos van a parar, sin haber sido antes saneados, al río Senne, que los encauza impuros en el río Escalda, y de allí, todavía sin sanear, terminan en el mar del Norte.
The use of waste products and excrement in food production is the logical consequence of a senseless agricultural policy, which undoubtedly has to be brought to an end right here and now.
La degradación y fecalización de nuestros alimentos es la consecuencia lógica de una política agraria demencial, que a estas alturas no cabe la menor duda que se tiene que acabar.