
"euthanasia" in Spanish

"euthanasia" in Spanish
and euthanasia, above all, because they are nourished by a widespread and
la eutanasia, sobre todo porque están alimentados de una "cultura
Taking a position on euthanasia is not a responsibility of the European Parliament.
Tomar una posición sobre la eutanasia no entra dentro de las responsabilidades del Parlamento Europeo.
A clear example is paragraph 18 on euthanasia.
Un claro ejemplo lo constituye el apartado 18 referente a la eutanasia.

Synonyms (English) for "euthanasia":
Context examples for "euthanasia" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
recourse to contraception, sterilization, abortion and even euthanasia as a
que presenta el recurso a la anticoncepción, la esterilización, el aborto y la
in the wider context of family or kinship, euthanasia is encouraged or
contexto familiar o de parentesco más amplio, se favorece o se procura la
The Common Fisheries Policy must no longer be conceived as a form of palliative or euthanasia.
La política pesquera común no debe concebirse en una perspectiva paliativa o «eutanásica».
The Common Fisheries Policy must no longer be conceived as a form of palliative or euthanasia.
La política pesquera común no debe concebirse en una perspectiva paliativa o« eutanásica».
Surely the only reasonable choice left is EU-thanasia.
No cabe duda de que la única opción razonable que queda es la UE-tanasia.
is this attitude that forms the cultural context of euthanasia,
Este es el contexto cultural del drama de la
We do not consider this to be the right forum for calling upon the Member States to change their legislation regarding euthanasia.
Consideramos muy importante que las normas transitorias se apliquen durante el menor tiempo posible.
It cannot specify the roles and responsibilities of healthcare workers regarding euthanasia because Member States have the sole competence in this area.
Las próximas elecciones legislativas en Togo figuran entre las prioridades de supervisión de elecciones establecidas por la Comisión para 2005.
At the same time, in the Netherlands, where euthanasia has been legalised, it is reported that assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia are now responsible for one in 40 deaths.
La Presidencia también condenó la ola de violencia y lanzó una llamada urgente a todas las partes para restaurar la calma.
Add in the fact that the report argues in favour of homosexuality and euthanasia, and it is hardly surprising that reports of this nature do such damage to our standing in the eyes of the citizens.
Realiza evaluaciones injustas, frívolas e infundadadas de los Estados miembros, en particular en sus referencias a Portugal, todas la cuales son incorrectas.